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Research articles

Farrow, A., Ronner, E., Van Den Brand, G.J., et al. 2016. From best fit technologies to best fit scaling: incorporating and evaluating factors affecting the adoption of grain legumes in sub-Saharan Africa. Experimental Agriculture, 1-26. DOI: Published online: 22 December 2016

Farrow, A., Tenywa, M, Nkonya, E., et al., 2013. Selecting sites to prove the concept of IAR4D in the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 8 (3), 101-119

Farrow, A., Risinamhodzi, K., Zingore, S., and Delve, R.J., 2011. Spatially targeting the distribution of agricultural input stockists in Malawi. Agricultural Systems, 104, 694–702 [unedited#.doc file – contact GeAgrofía for proof]

Farrow, A., Musoni, D., Cook, S., Buruchara, R., and Cooper, P., 2010. Assessing the risk of root rots in common beans in East Africa using simulated, estimated and observed daily rainfall data.
Experimental Agriculture, 47 (2), 357-373. [pre-print proof]

Farrow, A., Larrea, C., Hyman, G., and Lema, G., 2005. Exploring the spatial variation of food poverty in Ecuador. Food Policy, 30 (5-6), 510-531. [pre-print proof]

Farrow A., and Winograd M., 2001. Land Use Modelling at the Regional Scale: an input to Rural Sustainability Indicators for Central America. Agriculture, Ecosystems And Environment, Vol. 85 (1-3), 249-268 [contact GeAgrofía for proof]

Pérez Perdomo S.A., Farrow A., Trienekens J.H., Omta S.W.F., and van der Velde, G., 2017. Testing the effectiveness of network governance mechanisms to foster ambidexterity of agricultural innovation networks in East and Central Africa. Journal on Food System Dynamics, 8 (2), 81-95, DOI:

Pérez Perdomo S.A., Farrow A., Trienekens J.H. and Omta S.W.F., 2016. Stakeholder roles for fostering ambidexterity in Sub-Saharan African agricultural netchains for the emergence of multistakeholder cooperatives. Journal on Chain and Network Science, 16 (1) 59 -82.


Farrow, A., Darrah, S., Fancourt, M and Sassen, M., 2016. Mapping Agricultural Suitability: A review of current approaches to support the assessment of synergies and trade-offs between agricultural development and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. ISBN: 978-92-807-3588-8 UNEP WCMC, Cambridge, UK.

Farrow, A., 2014. Review of conditioning factors and constraints to legume adoption, and their management in Phase II of N2Africa., 22 pp.

Shepherd, K.D., Farrow, A., Ringler, C., Gassner, A., and Jarvis, D, 2013. Review_of_the_Evidence_on_Indicators. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya 94 pp.

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